
Reconnect to your inner rhythm and live a vibrant life.

How does a Deep Coaching Immersion with Eve work ?

In this 2-hour intensive session we take a closer look at an aspect of your life that you want to change into something that deeply resonates with who you are today. Working with principles from brief therapy we will be digging deep with intuitive and unexpected questions, to get to the core of your situation.

Whether you feel stuck with your business or a personal situation, or are just not sure if there is more to be had: we will come up with some simple, quick to implement ideas that you can get started with today, to raise your vibration and get meaningful change going for yourself. After the session you will receive a bonus personalized Reflection sheet to refer back to and a roadmap we create together for the immediate term.

Is a Deep Coaching Immersion right for me?

If you are at the end of your capacity but not seeing the results you deserve, or you worry about how others see you and whether there’s more for you in life and want to create a meaningful shift fast, then a Deep Coaching Immersion is for you.

Together we will bring about an instant shift in the aspect of your personal or business life that you want to make more alive and exciting.

You are the ideal person for this type of coaching work if you are a curious entrepreneur, a performance driven professional or a life-long learner looking to develop more authentic ways to connect.

How much does a Deep Coaching Immersion cost?

Deep Coaching Immersion session 210 euros.

Our guarantee for you: If you feel everything has stayed the same for you after the session you can request our 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked. *(Terms and Conditions of Use apply).
Deep Coaching Immersion - Eve Stoyan Program

Do you want to go even deeper?

Are you ready to take your relationships and business to the next level?

You might be one of those special people who realize that they are ready to have more out of life:

  • a deeper, more authentic connection to others
  • work-play routines that are kinder to yourself
  • a more inspiring leadership style
  • a quicker and pain-free way to resolve conflicts
  • or a business that you love and that makes you thrive.

If that is you then you might just be ready to get your transformation muscle working. I will be happy to accompany you in live one-on-one online sessions and design a very special 3-month program, 100% personalized to your needs to get you the life you are longing to have.

Working through weekly Deep Coaching sessions, breathwork, guided meditation and gentle stretching as well as high performance training we will together bring about integral, lasting change.

What can I do if I’m not sure any of this will work for me?

We’ve all been where you are at right now. If you have read this far you already took the hardest step and I want to acknowledge your commitment to a better you. Well done, amazing you! Here is an easy button idea to take the doubt out of the process.You can go ahead and book a 30-minute Instant Insight session with me to get a feel for how I coach and whether coaching is the right way to move forward in this moment of your life.

Instant Insight Session 60 euros.

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