Are you absolutely, unapologetically in love with your life today?
Are you excited about the person you have become?
Do you jump out of bed in the morning fired up and ready to get your day started?
Do you feel alive?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, we need to talk.
Our true legacy is how we spend every waking day. The energy we bring to our personal relationships, to our work, to what we leave behind in the world and in the hearts of others.
Living a life that makes you feel alive is available to you today and the 9-week program aLIVE! will help you get there. 9 weeks of personal coaching sessions, simple steps and a deep dive into YOU, to help you create a blueprint for the life you are yearning to live.
I have been guiding people transforming their life journey for over 15 years. Through my personal journey that took me through years of research, countless personality development courses, two businesses and four countries I designed a unique, 9-week program to help you create a blueprint for the life of your dreams.
So that it can instead be your reality.
During these 9 weeks working 1-on-1 we will:
- Awaken your thirst for thriving and plug into your original excitement
- Uncover your hidden resources, identify your secret allies and tap into the wisdom of your future self
- Help you develop a sense of your own unique story and bring out much more of it, with resources and abilities you already have available to you today
- Learn and practice nurturing and beautifully self-empowering habits
- Create the blueprint for your Inspired Life Design
- And set anchors and accountability markers to help you make it your ever-growing, everyday reality.
How does aLIVE! - The 9 week program with Eve work?
We will work the old school way, through live, in-person online sessions and guided recorded sessions. Meetings will be 1-2 hour long weekly or bi-weekly, based on our flow and as it appears most supportive of your process.
You will also receive access and guidance to recordings of holistic movement and breath work, as well as guided meditations to support your journey.

How much does aLIVE! – the program cost?
The 9-week program has a price of 1155 euros.
Fill out the form below and I will be back to you shortly to set up our initial Deep Insight session.
Your next life journey starts today.
Thank you!
I will be back to you to set up our initial Deep Insight session.
Your next life journey starts today. How the rest of your life will turn out is being determined today, by the choices of today’s you. Give yourself the gift of freedom, ease, fun and a life of purpose. Step into your new life that makes you feel vibrant, strong and fully aLIVE!
How the rest of your life will turn out is being determined today, by the choices of today’s you. Give yourself the gift of freedom, ease, fun and a life of purpose. Step into your new life that makes you feel vibrant, strong and fully aLIVE!