My latest Reflections

Eve Stoyan - Life Coach

The price of letting go that nobody talks about

(5 minute read) Have you recently faced a situation where you needed to let go of someone or something? Perhaps your kid’s application to that amazing high school at the other end of town, because it’s too far in the morning traffic? Or a promotion at work because it would

Guide to Intelligent Change: 7 Steps to Lasting Transformation

Guide to Intelligent Change: 7 Steps to Lasting Transformation

(10 minute read) Do you feel fully, unapologetically alive? Whether you make every day count or barely make it from one to the next right now, the life you are living is your true legacy. To inspire you to move from good to amazing, I want to invite you to

23 Questions to Ask Yourself for a Smashing 2023

23 Questions to Ask Yourself for a Smashing 2023

Do you want to make this year more fulfilling and switched on than the last one? Then this article is for you. Running from deadline to deadline often makes us stumble through life by inertia, rather than choice. Here are 23 great questions to help you set yourself up for